Moodle 2: New My Moodle page

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New Favourites and Module Updates

The new My Moodle homepage provides access to the modules on which you are enrolled, as well as functionality and links relevant to your study.

To access a module, click on the relevant module from the modules list on the left of the page – you may need to scroll down the page or use the My modules drop down menu in the top navigation bar.











The new info icon next to a module helps you to view information about that module including details of assessments and communications. You simpy click on the icon it’s that easy.

Should you have core modules that you use regularly, then you can now click on the  star icon to add it to the Favourites list at the top of the page.

New Activity Feed and Upcoming Events

The My Moodle homepage also has a new Activity feed which displays recent activity within your modules. Click Visit within an item to go straight to that activity in situ in its module or click Remove to tidy up your feed.


There’s also an Upcoming Events feed which displays reminders of events coming up.


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