Moodle 2: The old and the new.

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From tomorrow (2nd July) all log ins to Moodle will be accessible via the brand new Moodle 2. As discussed in my earlier postings, the new version has many improvements and useful new features.

New to Moodle 2                                                                                                                                                                                                      New look and feel making it consistent
Easier to use on a tablet, smartphone or other mobile device
Improved file handling and repository options (e.g. link to Google docs and flickr)
Drag and drop files/text/URLS straight into Moodle
New improved MyMoodle page with at-a-glance module information
favourites area for modules you want to find quickly
new ‘activity feed’ and ‘upcoming events’ blocks
Universally accessible navigation bar
New integrated ‘Kaltura’ video platform (personal capture, video assignments, screen capture)
Integration with lecture capture system (Echo360), classroom clickers (PRS) and library reading lists
New quiz question types e.g. drag-and-drop, fill in missing words

When is it happening?

From tomorrow ( Tuesday July 2nd) the URL  will be pointing to the new Moodle which is being used for the majority of 2013-14 modules.

2012-13 and earlier modules, and a handful of 2013-14 modules which have already started, have not been migrated to the new system but can easily be accessed  from the MyMoodle page ‘Archived Modules’ block.  You will still be able to access all of your old content just by clicking on the module name. This will automatically log you in to the old Moodle.

This short video demonstrates how access your old Moodle modules from the new MyMoodle page:

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Schools ed tech teams are in the process of ensuring that 2013-14 modules are being setup correctly and in good time to prepare them for use in September, rolling over content from 2012-13 modules where requested. Please talk to your school’s Educational Technology Community (ETC) representative if you have any questions or concerns.

What browser do I need?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Moodle works with all modern browsers. Some features require flash (e.g. personal video capture). Below is a snapshot of which browser versions work better with Moodle:

  • Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 8 (IE 10 required for drag and drop of files from outside the browser into Moodle), Safari 5, Google Chrome 11
  • Support for IE8 is being dropped by from this summer so if you have IE8 it’s time to upgrade or switch browser!

If you discover a browser-related problem please log it using this form

Want some help?

We hope you and your students enjoy using the new Moodle. If you do encounter problems or bugs or have requests please log issues via ServiceNow as usual.


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