Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others’ learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
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Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Icebreaker Activities
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Buzz Groups and Snowballs
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Debating and Presentations
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Active Learning in Flexible Learning Spaces
Over the past year you may have found yourself in one of the University’s new flexible learning spaces. These rooms have been designed by the Learning Spaces Group, with a membership made up of academics,…
BETT 2014
I spent yesterday at BETT (the British Educational Training and Technology Show). BETT is a giant exhibition for vendors of Educational Technologies. I went along with colleagues from IS and PAF to investigate classroom technologies. This…
SLE Achievements 2012-13
An enormous number of projects have been completed during the academic year 2012-13. Strategic Learning Environment projects and work have been underpinned by the Educational Technology Community, a network of educational technology and other professional…
Please move the furniture
Moving the furniture has traditionally been a source of frustration for users of our learning spaces in terms of needing more flexible spaces, having time in sessions to move furniture and leaving rooms in a state…
Laptop Lockers
AG24B is a flexible learning space complete with a number of colourful node chairs that can be moved around the room as well as large stretches of squiggle glass on the walls. The room is…
Flexible learning spaces at City exhibition
At City we are creating world class learning spaces in keeping with our strategy. A number of spaces have now been refurbished as flexible learning spaces enabling interactive, collaborative learning and supporting students to use…