We are now recruiting participants for the Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice module that will run as a double module as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2015. Increasingly work in the HE…
Development Activities
Ten things I learned at the RAISE (student engagement) Conference 2014 – David Shah, Learning Success
Role Plays for Small Group Teaching in City’s New Learning Spaces
Role play is a great way of encouraging students to explore their own behaviours and those of others in a simulated way. It allows a safe and secure environment in which students can practice their…
RAISE your expectations of student engagement
Sometimes I go to conferences and worry that I’ll be bored witless, that I’ll come away with buzzwords and platitudes. But at the fourth Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement conference, I found a communtiy….
Educational Technology Team Projects
Educational Technology Projects: The Educational Technology Team supports the use of educational technology through professional development, guidance, consultancy and building relationships. We work across the three themes of Blended Learning, Multimedia and Learning Spaces. Beyond our every day support…
Sharing good practice from 2013 – 2014 University Education Excellence award
What is your role? I am Senior Lecturer in Audiology and Programme Manager in the School of Health Sciences’ Division of Language and Communication Science What award did you…
‘Six Hats of Critical Thinking’: a lecture or seminar activity for City’s Learning Spaces
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others’ learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Sharing Good Practice from the 2013 – 2014 Excellence in Leadership Award for the School of Arts and Social Sciences
Journalism is a tricky – and risky – business. Knowing how to research, write (or visually create) and package stories for audiences across print and digital is not enough. Students need to know how their…
‘The One Minute Paper’ – end of Lecture Activity in City’s Learning Spaces
The One Minute Paper is an end of lecture activity that encourages students to work collaboratively to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. It gives the lecturer the feedback about…
Classroom Carousel – A technique for generating ideas in City’s Learning Spaces
Active learning in classrooms encourages students to work collaboratively and motivate each others’ learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work suggestions…