Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each other’s learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Development Activities
Post-its, Posters and Problem-based learning in City’s Learning Spaces
Active learning in classrooms encourages students to work collaboratively and motivate each others’ learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work suggestions…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces – Lineup Activity
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
Through the Fishbowl – A technique for group work in City’s large Learning Spaces
Have you got a group of students in a large lecture theatre but find engaging them difficult?? Teaching in a large lecture theatre doesn’t have to exclude group work and engagement. Take a look at…
Group Work in City’s Learning Spaces: the jigsaw classroom
Looking for creative teaching activities? Encourage students to work collaboratively and motivate each others’ learning, to clarify their understanding of course content and reflect on different peer perspectives. Take a look at the group work…
2013-2014 Student Voice Award winner for non-academic student support
Zazie is sharing why she was nominated for this award and what it meant. There are also some comments from the students nominations to show why they nominated her. What is your role? I…
Twenty-first International Conference on Learning 14th – 17th July 2014
This conference covers the whole spectrum of education from primary school to higher education and so provides an opportunity to hear about developments across a broad range of areas and explore what might be transferable…
21st International Conference on Learning
I have published two posts from the International Conference on Learning where Pam and myself are currently. The first post is an overview of my main “takeaways” from the conference so far, more useful I thought…
Learning at City Conference 2014 – Catch up
The Learning at City Conference is now in its sixth year and continues to go from strength to strength. This year, for the first time, the conference took place at an external venue and was…
A quick update on a project being developed between SHS and LeAD. CitySCaPE (City Simulated Community and Practice Experience) is the new simulated reality platform that is being designed to replace Shareville which is a simulated…