Infographics are excellent ways to communicate information. This one explains the origins and usefulness of the flipped classroom. The concept appears to be simple and is enabled by the recent increased availability of video. Significantly…
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Automated essay grading software
Are we trying to replace academics with robots? Is the underlying mission of e-learning to do away with expensive humans and use much cheaper electronic alternatives? This has been a fear within universities and the…
Why a Studio? A workshop on Innovative Learning Space at Copenhagen Business School
Imagine a suite of spaces, specifically designed for and dedicated to exploring, trying out, developing and sharing innovative teaching ideas. Where you can work with a small group of colleagues for a couple of hours,…
Large scale student-student-lecturer Interaction using clickers
One of the more exciting developments in Higher Education has been the way in which learning spaces can now be transformed into an interactive fora where students are able to engage with one another in…
Contribute to the vignettes blog
Are you involved in educational research at City University London? Are you involved in educational development? Have you made positive educational changes to your course? Or perhaps you’d like to share an opinion or finding…
Node chair renaming
A number of learning spaces now sport node chairs. These chairs are on castors and can be moved around the room. It has a tray underneath for storing bags and a tray at lap height…
Teaching Excellence Project
City University London is one of the institutions taking part in the a Higher Education Academy change academy programme focused on Recognising Teaching Excellence. The programme provides the opportunity for a team to examine a range…
Traditional versus radical change in education
According to two articles in Times Higher Education change is moving both too fast and too slow as these quotes demonstrate: “Many students will “defend to the death” the need for traditional campus-based lectures, and…
Are you in the mood for New Moodle 2?
Moodle is City University London’s virtual learning environment (VLE). As you may know, the ed. tech teams in schools are busy working on enhancements to Moodle. This will take advantage of exciting new functionality offered…
City staff pave the way forward in Moodle 2
With the Moodle 2 upgrade not far off, many of our ed. tech teams in each of the ETC working groups, have been working hard to provide all staff and students with an easier, friendlier,…