You may be familiar with using Turnitin QuickMark comments when providing feedback on students’ work in Turnitin assignments but did you know that you can share QuickMarks with your colleagues to create a library of…

You may be familiar with using Turnitin QuickMark comments when providing feedback on students’ work in Turnitin assignments but did you know that you can share QuickMarks with your colleagues to create a library of…
Audience: City University London students and staff According to our reports on Moodle assessment activity; there were 18 Turnitin assignments due at the beginning of March. This post highlights how students can access the three…
I recently participated in a ELESIG symposium on Learner Analytics. An extended introduction of learning analytics and its uses both for educators and learners has already been covered by my fellow colleagues in his previous…
There are several ways to mark on moodle. In this blog I will list three ways in which this is possible. Mark Moodle Assignments Using a Marking Record A marking record is very similar to…
What are formative and summative assessments? As per wikipedia – Formative assessment or diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process in order to modify…
Cengiz Turkoglu, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, principally teaches final-year undergraduate students and one of the MSc Aviation Management modules, with class sizes usually not exceeding 20 students. Each…
I heard a great presentation from Cath Ellis from University of Huddersfield on introducing an e-submission policy and using Turnitin’s online marking tool GradeMark as part of the Maximising Turnitin session in June. Prior to…