Month: September 2014

Seminar (26th September, 2014)

In the next Machine Learning Group seminar, we have a talk by Dan Stowell who is an EPSRC Research Fellow at Queen Mary University of London. Date & Time: Friday 26th September, 13:00-14:00 Location: Room A112 (College Building) Title: Machine learning for bird sounds: at large scale and fine detail Abstract: Bird sound recordings embed…Continue Reading Seminar (26th September, 2014)

Dagstuhl seminar in Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning

The Machine Learning Group are collaboratively organising a seminar in Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning from September 14th to September 19th 2014. The goal of this Dagstuhl seminar is to build bridges between symbolic and sub-symbolic reasoning and learning representations using computer vision as a catalyst application. Dagstuhl is the world’s premier venue for informatics, where…Continue Reading Dagstuhl seminar in Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning