
Machine Learning Blog

Invitation to the 2016 Open Research Forum Workshop at the LSE on 19 May 2016


This is an announcement being made on behalf of the Open Research Forum Organising Committee.

The Open Research Forum is an initiative to bring together PhD and early career researchers from various disciplines for a day-long workshop at the LSE.

The goal is to create an informal and inclusive dialogue around current issues in the wider information systems field and this year’s topic is “Data science meets social sciences: Understanding origins, means and consequences of social computing”. Registration is now open and whether as guests or participants, it would be great to have PhD and EC researchers from City University represented!

The call for submissions attached – the deadline is 31st of March.

Additional information, registration and contact details can be found at:

The call for submissions in DOCX format is available here: orf_call_for_submissions.docx .

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