Current User Journey – Digital Dosette Box







User Journey is a part of the user research process. User Journey shows interactions with the different touchpoints, without going into much detail. It helped in capturing a specific sequence of actions through a visual representation of achieving the goal to remember to take the medicines through a dosette box.





Hierarchical Task Analysis – Digital Dosette Box

hta-remembering-medicines hta-access-medicines


The Hierarchical Task Analysis(HTA) was part of the user research process. It was mainly designed focusing on the primary knowledge about the existing systems and activities.

In this graphical representation of task analysis, the starting point consists of the user goal. It consists of,  to remember to take the medicine and access the medicines from the dosette box. Further, it consists of all the tasks performed by the user to achieve the main goal and then into sub-tasks and so on.

It provided a good understanding of the interaction and at whichever level of abstraction it is appropriate.

Requirements – Digital Dosette Box

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Requirement specifications was the last part of our user research process. It invloved refinement of all the high level requirements to detail, precise requirements. These included in all division of categories as fucntional, usability goals, user experience goals, environmental and data.

This helped us further as our first step towards sketching design of the dosette box.