Going global: 360 media event
Andy gave a presentation based on a report that he wrote for the British Council on Creative Hubs. The event took place at the Queen Elizabeth II centre near Parliament. This report is being used as a reference document for the British Council advising cities and national governments on setting up and managing creative hubs. The panel heard about other hub programmes run by the EU, and from Vietnam. Andy was commissioned by the Vietnam Ministry of Culture to write an advisory report on Creative Clusters in Vietnam recently, so this was a good opportunity to find out how the policy was progressing there.
The ‘Going Global’ Event is a massive global meeting of those in higher education with links to development agendas. More than 1000 people from all over the world attended. In addition Andy was invited to write a couple of pieces for the BC magazine, Voices: these can be accessed here and here. And a great video that the BC made based on Andy’s work.