The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Andy Pratt’s ‘groundhog day’ with Covid-19

Prof Andy Pratt was on sabbatical leave this term (Jan-April 2020). He spent most of his time in Singapore where he was Visiting Professor of Cultural Economy at Singapore Management University. His visit was overshadowed by the development of Covid-19; soon after he arrived the government took strict steps to Test, Track and Trace which significantly manage the situation. By the time he left SMU had transitioned to ‘on-line’ delivery of teaching. Andy returned to the UK just in time for the start of ‘lockdown’: making it like ‘Groundhog day’.

The picture shows the spectacular waterfall in the new ‘Jewel’ building of Singapore Changi Airport

sbbk273 • March 17, 2020

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