‘A reconceptualization of gastronomy as relational and reflexive’ by Aysegul Kesimoglu in Hospitality & Society
CCI PhD student, Aysegul has an article in Hospitality & Society, in its first issue of this year. In her article, which is titled “A reconceptualization of gastronomy as relational and reflexive”, she explores the ways in which gastronomy has been conceptualized so far, in particular within the wider literature on tourism and management, and proposes an alternate way of thinking about it.
Interested in the symbolic value of gastronomy as well, Aysegul argues that the symbolic value of gastronomy (as well as its material value) may also lead to its objectification, which results in a normative approach towards gastronomy – in particular when gastronomy is thought of as a policy item for destination management and promotion. Noting on the influences from media as well, in which food is considered to be an ‘essential distraction’ (Rousseau [2012] 2013: 7-8) or a ‘spectator sport’ (Pollan 2009), Aysegul argues that objectification of gastronomy in this manner has led to its operationalization.
Maintaining the link between these arguments with heritage industry and policy-making in cultural and creative industries as well, Aysegul engages critically with the limits of approaches stemming from debates on placeless and argues that gastronomic tourism, or policy in general, is context bounded. She thus proposes a different way of looking at gastronomy: one in which gastronomy is relational and reflexive.
She considers the case of Turkey as an exploratory case study. Her approach is a multi-disciplinary and draws on sociological and cultural studies of tourism, gastronomy, identity, reflexivity and consumption.
The full article can be accessed here: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/hosp/2015/00000005/00000001
Pollan, M. (2009), ‘Out of the Kitchen, Onto the Couch’, The New York Times, 29 July, Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/02/magazine/02cooking-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1& [Accessed 29 October 2013].
Rousseau, S. ([2012] 2013), Food Media: Celebrity Chefs and the Politics of Everyday Interference, London and New York: Bloomsbury (Print).