Month: June 2016

Alternative access to Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators (City University London)

We have been experiencing technical issues with our access to Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Essential Science Indicators (ESI), our E-Access team is currently working with Thomson Reuters to resolve this. In the meantime the following links can be used to access the previous version/ interface of each resource: An earlier version of ESI can…Continue Reading Alternative access to Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators (City University London)

Read for Research

Taking an overview of Read for Research at City University London Library A patron driven acquisition scheme offered by Library Services  based on the research interests of students and staff. Started in November 2013 and has continued since. So far we have purchased 1208 titles (books and e-books) through the scheme. Very popular across disciplines in the University. A reading list…Continue Reading Read for Research