Webinar 1: An introduction to Copyright Literacy

Jane and Chris at CopyCamp2018

Next Friday 26th October we have our first webinar for Digital Literacies and Open Practice. Based on the chapter in Reedy and Parker’s Digital Literacy Unpacked, Chris Morrison who is the Copyright, Licensing and Policy Manager at the University of Kent will talk about the concept of copyright literacy. Chris and I have worked together since 2014 on research into different aspects of copyright and it’s impact of those working in libraries, the cultural heritage sector and in higher education. We’ve also developed several educational resources to teach people about copyright is accessible ways, including Copyright the Card Game, which you can play at City University on the 2nd November, and the Publishing Trap, which is a board game about scholarly communication and publishing choices. We will be playing this game on the final teaching day of the module on 12th December.

Tune in to the webinar live to join in the discussions with Chris, or you can watch the recording which we’ll post online shortly after the event (Guests are welcome, please drop me a line if you want to take part). The webinar will be an ideal time to ask those tricky questions about copyright (e.g. what is the difference between fair use and fair dealing, or who owns my recorded lectures or teaching materials!) You can also discuss how understanding copyright might help us become more open in our approaches to teaching, learning and research and how it’s all part of developing our own and our students’ digital literacies.

About Jane Secker

Associate Professor in Educational Development at City, University of London

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