Welcome to EDM122 2022/23

Come in we are open sign
Photo by Leyre Labarga on Unsplash

Welcome to the new academic year and the fifth time I’ve run this module (yes it’s hard to believe I know but I started this module in October 2018 when the world was a different place). I’ve also made some changes to the module this year to reflect a few issues that have arisen from previous cohorts. The assignments have been slightly modified. Students now have to tackle both topic (digital literacies and open practice) in their 2 assignments. So if they choose to make a video about digital literacy then they need to write their essay on open practices. Or visa versa. I’ve also integrated the webinars far more into the teaching days. And there are now 4 teaching days including 3 online and one on campus. Finally the second assignment, the essay, now needs to be published with an appropriate open licence on it. So you may well start to see these appearing on this blog, or on another platform chosen by the students.

As ever I am delighted to have guests joining us for the webinars. If you would like to attend one of these sessions then please do drop me a line. Further details of the speakers are below but all the sessions are going to be recorded:

  • Wednesday 12th October 2022: Chris Morrison, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Digital literacy, copyright and open practices.
  • Pre-recorded video: Lauren Regan, Geraldine Foley and Elisabetta LandoLEaD, Insights into City staff and student digital experiences. 
  • Wednesday 2nd November 2022: Jenny Scoles, Academic Developer (Learning & Teaching Enhancement), Institute for Academic Development, The University of Edinburgh. Blogging as Academic Practice. 
  • Wednesday 23rd November 2022: Lorna Campbell, University of Edinburgh and Catherine Cronin, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Ireland, Open Education Practices.
  • Tuesday 2nd December 2022: Claire Wotherspoon, Catriona and Jen, Open University, Embedding Digital literacy in the curriculum.

Happy new term!

About Jane Secker

Associate Professor in Educational Development at City, University of London

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