Category: Seminar

Seminar by Prof Alan Bundy, CBE, FRS (26th Oct, 2016)

Research Centre for Machine Learning Seminar Prof Alan Bundy, CBE, FRS, University of Edinburgh Date & Time: Wed, 26 Oct 2016, 12:00noon Venue: AG21 (College Building) TITLE: Reformation: a generic algorithm for repairing faulty representations. ABSTRACT: Autonomous agents require representations of their environment to interpret sensory data, make plans to achieve their goals and solve…Continue Reading Seminar by Prof Alan Bundy, CBE, FRS (26th Oct, 2016)

Seminar by Dr. Luis Lamb (24th June, 2016)

The Research Centre for Machine Learning (RCML) at City is pleased to announce the seminar by Dr. Luis Lamb – Professor and Dean (Director) of the Institute of Informatics (2011-2015 & 2015-2019), ex officio (2011-2015 & 2015-2019) and Elected (2010-2012) Member of the University Council at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto…Continue Reading Seminar by Dr. Luis Lamb (24th June, 2016)

Seminar by Dr. Lucian Busoniu (30th June, 2016)

The Research Centre for Machine Learning (RCML) at City is pleased to announce the seminar by Dr. Lucian Busoniu – associate professor with the Department of Automation at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Please find below the details of the talk: Venue: AG21 (College Building) Date & Time: Jun 30, 2016 (12:00-13:00) Title: Planning Methods…Continue Reading Seminar by Dr. Lucian Busoniu (30th June, 2016)

Seminar by Dr. Greg Wayne (18th March, 2016)

In the next seminar of the City Research Centre for Machine Learning, we will have a talk by Dr. Greg Wayne who is a researcher at Google DeepMind. Venue: B104 (University Building) Date & Time: Mar 18, 2016 (12:00-13:00) Title: Differentiable Neural Computers for Memory-Based Control Abstract: I will describe a neural network control circuit…Continue Reading Seminar by Dr. Greg Wayne (18th March, 2016)

Seminar by Dr. Carlos Eduardo Thomaz (30th September, 2015)

In the next Machine Learning Group seminar, we will have a talk by Dr. Carlos Eduardo Thomaz who is a Professor of Statistical Pattern Recognition at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Centro Universitario da FEI (FEI-SP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Venue: AG10 (College Building) Date & Time: Sep 30, 2015 (12:00-13:00) Title: A Photo-Realistic Generator of…Continue Reading Seminar by Dr. Carlos Eduardo Thomaz (30th September, 2015)

Seminar by Dr. Luke Dickens (10th April, 2015)

In the next Machine Learning Group seminar, we will have a talk by Dr. Luke Dickens who is a Lecturer in the Department of Information Studies at UCL. Venue: A226 (College Building) Date & Time: Apr 10, 2015 (12:00-13:00) Title: Part 1: Efficient Knowledge Aquisition in Crowdsourcing ; Part 2: The Human Gamma Project Abstract:…Continue Reading Seminar by Dr. Luke Dickens (10th April, 2015)