SOFIA publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Protocol paper

We have published our protocol paper. This paper describes the methods we used in the study. It sets out what we intended to do . To read our protocol paper, please click here.

Northcott S., Simpson A., Thomas S., Hirani S.P., Flood C., Hilari K. (2019) SOlution Focused brief therapy In post-stroke Aphasia (SOFIA Trial): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. AMRC Open Research. 1(11). doi:10.12688/amrcopenres.12873.1.

Main results

We have written two articles sharing the main results. These articles are either published, or under review.

We will make all SOFIA articles available on this website as soon as we are able to.

  1. The main qualitative findings – what people with aphasia thought about the study, and about the therapy. Click here to read the paper.

    Northcott, S., Simpson, A., Thomas, S., Barnard, R. A., Burns, K., Hirani, S. P., & Hilari, K. (2021). ‘Now I am myself’: exploring how people with post-stroke aphasia experienced Solution Focused Brief Therapy within the SOFIA Trial. Qualitative health research. doi:10.1177/10497323211020290

  2. The main feasibility results – whether the study was feasible and acceptable, the clinical outcomes, and also the perspective of the therapists and the sites. Click here to read the paper.

    Northcott SThomas SJames K, Simpson A, Hirani S, Barnard R, & Hilari K (2021)
    Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Post-Stroke Aphasia (SOFIA): feasibility and acceptability results of a feasibility randomised wait-list controlled trial

Articles in preparation

We are also preparing two further articles. We hope to submit these articles to a journal soon.

  1. Treatment fidelity: to what extent was the therapy delivered as intended? In what respects is the therapy ‘typical’ Solution Focused Brief Therapy, and in what way was it altered?
    Northcott, S., Hirani, S., Simpson, A., Thomas, S., Behn, N., & Hilari, K. (in preparation) SOlution Focused brief therapy In post-stroke Aphasia: Treatment fidelity within the SOFIA Trial.
  2. An economic evaluation.
    Flood, C., Hilari, K., Thomas, S., Simpson, A., Hirani, S., & Northcott, S. (in preparation) A pilot economic evluation of the Solution Focused brief therapy In post-stroke Aphasia (SOFIA) Trial.

News article published by The Conversation

‘Losing speech after a stroke can negatively affect mental health – but therapy can provide hope’ (June 2021) by Northcott S. Click here to read article.


Other project documents

TIDieR checklist

Our Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist is available here. This describes the therapy delivered within the project.