Our research work
Most of our research papers are now freely available on our university repositories. The best way to access them is to go to our university web pages and click on the ‘publications’ tab. For example, all my published articles are listed here and you can download them for free.
Protocol paper for the SOFIA study: this provides a detailed plan for the study, and sets out everything we we intended to do. You can read it here.
Description of the therapy in SOFIA: we described the therapy. We used the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist. You can read it here.
Solution Focused Brief Therapy proof-of-concept study: To read our paper describing our first small-scale project exploring Solution Focused Brief Therapy for people with living with aphasia click here.
Role of Speech and Language Therapy: we have also done some research exploring the role of Speech and Language Therapists in supporting the psychological well-being of people with aphasia.
Research exploring social support after a stroke:
- friendships post stroke (what makes friendships vulnerable and what helps people to sustain friendships following a stroke). Click here.
- what social support is most valued post stroke. Click here.
- what factors predict who will have a strong social network in the months following their stroke. Click here.
- our review summarizing both qualitative and quantitative research studies exploring what happens to social support and social networks post stroke. Click here.
- a typology to explore how social network patterns change post stroke. Click here.
- the Stroke Social Network Scale paper. Click here.
We were really excited when one of our papers won the Editor’s Award in the language section of the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. We were pleased to be able to raise awareness of the social impact of having aphasia and highlight the need to support people in living well with their stroke. You can read more about it here.