What’s it like to do a Journalism degree?

Amy is a third year Journalism student and a Widening Participation ambassador at City. Photographing an Extinction Rebellion protest, interviewing a recipient of an OBE and talking to neuroscientists about autism are just three of the many things studying journalism has enabled me to do. Journalism is great for transferable skills The communication, organisational and […]

Juggling work and studying at uni

Fatima Lobocka is a second-year student studying Psychology, who was born in Poland and is half Iraqi.  Juggling work whilst studying is common with many University students in the UK! My first year experience In my first year, I started a part-time job at Vision Express to support my student maintenance loan. I worked on […]

Things to consider when deciding to go to university

Diana is a third year Law student, who loves mystery novels and painting.   Why I went to university   I went to university mainly because I wanted to pursue a career in law. Naturally, getting a law degree was a part of that. However, from personal experience I can confidently say that going to university has so many benefits […]

A student’s tips for exam success

Nadia is a second-year undergraduate student studying BSc Children’s Nursing who has been skydiving twice, and intends to go a lot more!  Exams should officially banned That’s my opinion. However they’re not so I’m here to give you my top tips with exam skill and revision techniques that have worked for me since starting university.   The […]

A student’s guide to juggling work whilst studying 

Salwa is a second-year undergraduate student studying diagnostic radiography, who moved to London for university.     As a university student who moved away from home, it was important for me to work part-time alongside my studies. The jobs I had During my first year at City, I had a job in retail, working in Oxford Circus. […]

Meet a Child Nursing student

Nadia is a second-year undergraduate student studying BSc Children’s Nursing who has been skydiving twice, and intends to go a lot more!  Hi everyone! I’m Nadia and I’m a second-year child nursing student. This course has made me 50% human and 50% zombie, but I wouldn’t change a thing because this course is both unique […]

How do I manage my time at university?

Samantha is a second year student studying International Business, who loves taking time to meditate and connect with her inner self and with nature.  So how do I manage my time at uni? Well that is an interesting question, that I’m still trying to sort it out! I think it is important to have in mind that […]

Meet an Accounting and Finance student

George is a third year student studying Accounting and Finance, who has a puppy, a Yorkie named Ollie!  About me I’m now in the last year of my degree, and the experience has been fantastic. It’s been a busy 3 years, and I’ve been lucky to get involved in loads of activities and sports which have fit around […]

A Student’s Top Tips to Manage Your Time at University

Sam is a third year Journalism student and a Student Ambassador for Marketing and our WP team. If time management has been an issue for you in the past, university is the perfect place to fix that and become more organised as a person. Plus, it is an essential part of getting the most out of your experience. […]

Maximising your university experience

Mauro is a final year undergraduate student studying BSc Management, enjoys playing football and competing in 10km races. My first tip for university is to not cope with it, but to maximise it. This change of mentality will allow you to become a more engaged, social, and academically successful student. Here are my tips how to make the […]