Category: Networking

Reflections on LILAC 2017

I was fortunate this year to have the opportunity to attend LILAC 2017 in Swansea in April.  LILAC is the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference which is a 3 day event which attracts national and international delegates.  There are keynotes, workshops, presentations  and networking opportunities on  many different aspects of information literacy. In my free time, …Continue Reading Reflections on LILAC 2017

Networking for researchers

Everyone has a network, small or large even if we don’t realise it.  This may be: researchers, academics, supervisors, professional support staff, previous colleagues, people from conferences and special interest groups, social contacts. Networking,  although not always a comfortable activity can be productive and useful for researchers and lead to new opportunities. Networking can: Lead…Continue Reading Networking for researchers