Next week I have my third webinar, this time delivered by Sarah Knight and Lisa Gray who work for Jisc. As with other sessions please do let me know by registering if you would like to attend and you are not taking my module. The session is open to all. Sarah and Lisa tell us more about their session:
We are experiencing unprecedented times with the changes the pandemic has brought to every aspect of our lives and the experience for all our staff and students. The fact that the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly digital world will continue to evolve with each new technological innovation presents challenges for universities.
The speed of change and the widescale adoption of new technologies by businesses, governments and daily living means that the future workforce not only needs to be digitally capable but digitally confident and resilient.
At Jisc we have been tackling these challenges since 2008 through our research to better understand and support the development of digital capability for students and staff – the skills needed to live, learn and work in a digital society (Jisc, 2014). Work has included: the development of our digital capabilities framework (Jisc, 2017) which has provided a shared vocabulary to describe digital capabilities; a series of profiles that breakdown of the capabilities relevant to particular educational roles; a ‘discovery tool’ a first step for staff and students to reflect on their digital skills which generates a personalised report suggesting next steps and developmental resources; organisational models; and curriculum resources.
This session will provide an overview of our research and how universities are developing the digital capabilities of their staff and students in the UK.