The London Student Sustainability Network – building partnerships with students across the capital


What is the London Student Sustainability Network?

In 2022 City, University of London, hosted the fourth London Student Sustainability Conference. Building on past successes, and the partnerships forged through previous events, the Conference was a collaboration between six London universities (City, University of London, Imperial College London, King’s College London, London School of Economics, UCL and the University of Westminster)

This partnership enabled cross university collaboration and innovation including the ‘Student Delivery Group’, formed for the first time in 2022 in order to feed into the planning and delivery of the Conference. This brought the student voice to the front and center of the decision making process. The Student Delivery Group was made up of nine core members, chosen from 25 applicants across four universities, who met weekly to inform planning and lead on the Conference direction.

Post Conference, the Student Delivery Group reflected on the positives of establishing a cross university group made up of students passionate about sustainability, and expressed an interest in meeting regularly throughout the year to continue the partnership. As a result the London Student Sustainability Network (LSSN) was created. The LSSN has continued to meet once a month to share what is happening at their perspective Universities, highlight opportunities for collaboration, and identify students interested in supporting events.

We envisage the LSSN will grow to be made up of student representatives from multiple London universities in order to deliver the following aims:

  1. Identify opportunities for students to develop and collaborate on ideas and solutions to global challenges
  2. Disseminate information about events and activities available to all London students
  3. Provide additional capacity for student and university led events
  4. Build relationships and connections with students from different universities
  5. Act as a student voice for key institutional decisions on sustainability

With futures increasingly affected by climate change, we hope the LSSN will enable students in London to effectively communicate, collaborate and innovate so they can feel empowered to contribute and take action on solutions.


Networks have been firmly established for staff Sustainability teams in Higher Education Institutions for some time. They each have different aims but they all provide a space for information sharing, problem solving and collaboration. These include the EAUC (The Alliance for Sustainability in Education), London Higher and AUDE (Association of University Directors of Estates).

Currently, there are no networks focussed on sustainability amongst students from London based Higher Education Institutions. The LSSN hopes to change that.

With a rapidly changing environment, universities must be able to adapt to student needs and provide spaces for innovation and collaboration. A recent study by SOS-UK has shown that 90% of students are concerned or very concerned about climate change – the LSSN will aim to provide a platform to address these concerns and take action!

Responsibilities of students 

  • Attend monthly LSSN meetings – either in person or online
  • Share relevant information amongst student networks
  • Liaise with internal communication teams at their universities
  • Select students to be part of the London Student Sustainability Conference ‘Student Delivery Group’
  • Support with the planning and/or delivery of events
  • Resolve membership issues such as securing equal representation

Benefits for students

  • Boost professional and employability skills
  • Meet other students with similar values and interests
  • Take part in events and activities which focus on sustainability
  • Attend conferences and seminars
  • Receive training on key sustainability issues
  • Meet professionals in the higher education sustainability sector

If you want to find out more or want to get involved you can email us at If you are a student wanting to join please fill in the application form.


2 Responses

  1. luis

    September 29, 2022 2:57 pm

    لتنظيف الحمام يتمّ أولاً وضع كيس بلاستيكي على مقبض باب الحمام لجمع القمامة فيه، ثمّ صب البعض من مادة التبييض في حوض الحمام وحول الجانبين وتحت الحافة بواسطة فرشاة، وتركها لمدّة خمس دقائق قبل شطفها، وفي هذه الأثناء يُمكن الانتقال لمسح أماكن وضع الأشياء في الحمام عن طريق ملء زجاجة الرذاذ بالماء والخل الأبيض بكميات متساوية، ثمّ رش المحلول على منشفة ورقية أو قطعة من القماش، والمسح بها مكان وضع الصابون، وبقع معجون الأسنان على الحنفيات والمرايا والحوض وحول المقعد وملحقاته، ثمّ غسل التبييض الذي تمّ وضعه في البداية، أمّا الأرضية فيمكن تنظيف السجاد أو إزالته إذا كان الوقت ضيق لوجود ضيوف مثلاً، ثمّ إزالة الغبار والشعر وأية أوساخ أخرى عن الأرضية، ومسح زوايا الحمام بممسحة مبللة.
    يُعدّ الخل ومحلول المياه الخيار الأمثل لتنظيف معظم أنواع الأرضيات في المنزل، ويمكن استخدامه عن طريق خلط كوب من الخل مع 4.5 لتر من الماء الدافئ، ومسحه على بلاط السيراميك، والفينيل، أو أرضية الخشب، ولا يكون هناك حاجة للشطف بعد ذلك، وبالتالي يتمّ توفير الوقت والماء على حدّ سواء، كما ينبغي محاولة عدم زيادة كميات الخل والماء في الأرضيات الخشبية.

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