Fight for fair trade

Interested in fair trade and trade justice? Find out what it’s all about below, and join the team of students working to make a difference at City and in the local community!


What is it and why is it important?

The Fairtrade Foundation ensures that farmers in developing countries have fair wages, safe working conditions and control over their future to improve life for their communitities.


What could you do?

  • Organise an event to promote Fairtrade to students and staff
  • Join the City Fairtrade Steering Group
  • Create a campaign to highlight ethical consumption
  • Run a Fairtrade sports tournament


What’s involved?

Regular team meetings at a time that suits you – we suggest an average of 1 hour per week – plus completing the plans that you put in place.


What will you get out of it?

  • Make a difference
  • Meet like-minded students
  • Gain skills in project management, creative communications, negotiation and persuasion, campaign planning, team work.


How do you get involved?
