By Rebekah Lattin-Rawstrone

City’s Novel Studio Showcase is the hottest ticket on the literary calendar and this year’s event more than lived up to its reputation.

Each student read a brief excerpt from their novel-in-progress, taking us from a dystopian landscape of enforced slavery, through faeries trapped in glass, a Chinese perspective on the First World War and out through modern-day dream cycles, soul thieves and a comedic take on reincarnation.

With a huge range of genres and continents – from China to India, Ireland to Italy and a stop over in Las Vegas – there was something for everyone to enjoy.

After the readings students toasted their success and mingled with an audience of agents, friends and family alike, whilst making new contacts along the way. Congratulations Novel Studio students and teachers of 2017! With agent and student exchanges already taking place, publications are soon to follow.

To read their extracts and novel outlines visit: The Novel Studio 2017.