Tag: Machine learning

What Are the Most Useful Skills for Adapting to AI?

Intelligent life?


Technology is advancing so rapidly, it can sometimes feel bewildering, especially when thinking about what the future jobs market might look like. How do we ensure we keep pace and equip ourselves to adapt to the change? Read on for the subjects that could help you future-proof your career in the AI frontier.

Become an Expert in Data Analysis

Data has become supremely valuable, not least for its importance in training AI. Gaining expertise in data analysis is a smart way to stand out in the jobs market, and stay relevant. City has a range of courses designed to help you gain knowledge of, and insight into, data analysis. From Introduction to Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Python to our new Spreadsheet Data Analysis and Automation with Python  or Introduction to R for Data Analysis, our short courses in data analysis will give you a head start in this rapidly changing landscape.


Colour coded

Sometimes known as programming, coding is essential for anyone wanting to work effectively with AI. City has a great range of short coding courses in all the major programming languages. Take our courses in C/C++, or the ever-popular Python short courses. You can also learn JavaScript or Java, used by 42.9% and 37.8% of web developers respectively working in artificial intelligence or machine learning, according to a recent survey by Evans Data Corporation.

Softly, Softly

It’s not all about technical skills. Working with AI requires soft skills too, from communication to creativity. Our short courses in Presentation SkillsEffective Communication and Stoicism will improve your interpersonal skills, while our vibrant range of  writing courses will kickstart your creativity. Adaptability is also a key soft skill, vital for coping with the pace of technology change; our highly interactive Leadership and Management course will sharpen your team-leading skills and ensure you get the most from your teams.

Keep it Safe

AI systems often deal with sensitive data and are vulnerable to cyber attacks. It’s important for businesses and individuals to understand the risks involved, and learn how best to mitigate them. City’s Cybersecurity Fundamentals short course provides a great foundation in the cyber security domains of networking, security engineering, risk management, incident response, governance control and legal practicalities.

Get Developing

Web development is an important skill in working with AI. From visualising AI outputs, to integrating AI with other systems, being skilled in web development will ensure you can utilise AI models in the most powerful ways. City’s short course in web development will teach you how to install Bootstrap and how to use its key components most effectively. Our Building Websites short course will enable you to plan, design, develop and publish a website that adheres to current industry standards and best practices, while our PHP course is best suited for back-end web development and can be embedded into HTML.


Turn the Page

As technology advances, it becomes more important than ever to differentiate what makes us human. Storytelling is one of our oldest skills, and remains an integral part of our lives. City’s short creative writing courses are designed to help you understand how stories are built, how they’re written and how they can be edited. Try our introduction to creative writing course or learn how to craft non-fiction with our Narrative Non-Fiction or Memoir Writing course.  For our full range, visit our home page HERE.


For all City’s short courses visit our home page HERE.

The top five computing languages – what they are and why you need to learn them

Computing languages are essential for anyone looking to work in today’s growing technology. But with new languages being developed every day it can be difficult to keep up to date and decide which to learn.

Read on for the top five computing languages you should be learning now, and why…

Speaking my language?

  1. Python – Python is still the number one computing language, and for good reason. It’s extremely versatile and can be used in many different fields, from machine learning to data science and web development. It’s also easier to learn than some of the other languages due to its unique structure and syntax. Plus there are a ton of resources for those new to the language.
  2. JavascriptJavascript is a front-end language used to create interactive web applications. If you are looking to work in web development or mobile app development, this is the language for you.
  3. JavaJava is a back-end language used in many large corporations. Employers value the versatility and security of Java and it’s an excellent language to learn to improve your job prospects.
  4. PHP/MySQLPHP/MySQL is a widely used open-source scripting language especially suited for back-end web development. It can be embedded into HTML and is very popular within the industry. PHP has been used to create many websites, including Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack, Etsy and WordPress.
  5. C and C++C and C++ are languages often used in game development and system programming. They are both very powerful and can be challenging to learn, but invaluable for anyone looking to progress within the technology industry.

Improve your prospects

If you’d like to find out more about learning a computing language and how it can open up your job prospects and ability to progress within the technology industry, come along to our Open Evening on March 28. It’s all online, so you can join from the comfort of your home. There are free tasters available for Python and Database Design, or you can simply speak to our Computing Coordinator to see which course would be the best fit for you. Register HERE.

Open Evening March 28th 2023

For our full range of Computing Courses, visit our home page HERE.


Or visit our main short course home page HERE for all the subject we offer.



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