Networked values in hierarchical contexts – webinar by Dave White

I was delighted to host two webinars this week, the second which was given by Dave White, Head of Digital Learning at the University of the Arts, London. A recording of the webinar is now available and the slides.

Dave’s work on Visitors and Residents has been explored as part of this course, as a way of reconceptualising how we think about our relationship with technology. It’s also a different way of thinking about the now debunked notion of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants.

In the webinar Dave talked to us about Networked value in Hierarchical Contexts and there were some great opportunities for participants to take part in online activities using a Padlet, which worked really well. Dave drew on the work of George Siemens and Stephen Downes on Connectivism. I was really interested in the work he has been doing recently at the University of the Arts around Open Values and this blog post provides an overview of his work and thinking to date. I’m excited to see that Catherine Cronin was involved in the work, as she will be giving a webinar to us in January.  Once again we saw a lot of connections between the two themes of the module and I hope people will enjoy watching the recording from this session.


About Jane Secker

Associate Professor in Educational Development at City, University of London

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