Tomorrow (Tuesday 22nd October) is the first webinar for EDM122: Digital Literacies and Open Practice taking place from 2-3pm (GMT). It will be delivered by my research partner Chris Morrison, who works at the University of Kent as the Copyright, Software Licensing and Policy Manager. Chris’s webinar is entitled ‘Digital Literacy, Copyright and Creativity’. He will be referring to the chapter he wrote last year which featured in the course text, Digital Literacy Unpacked by Jo Parker and Katherine Reedy. Chris’s chapter is available on open access in the Kent Academic Repository. He also recently completed his master’s in Copyright Law at Kings College, London and his dissertation focused on university’s interpretation of Section 32 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, which is the exception for ‘Illustration for Instruction’. His full thesis is also available online and he will briefly summarise some of his findings during the webinar as well as talking more broadly about the concept of copyright literacy and why it’s important to understand copyright as part of digital literacy.
I’m really delighted that Chris has agreed to give a webinar again and this session will be recorded but you can join live to ask questions (access for guests does not require a log-in or password) to the Adobe Connect Classroom that I have set up.