LDC in consultation with the Learning Spaces Group(LSG) has recently had a Business Case approved to review rooms that are under-utilised within the campus. The LDC will be leading on redesigning a number of rooms in College Building, Northampton Square Campus to create spaces for students and staff which promote active and highly interactive learning To find out more about learning space design please click here
We have engaged all groups and most importantly the students, and have now got their views and input via interviews and the Forum. We now intend to act on these in setting up these two pilot spaces. Here is a collage of some of the views from staff and students.

In summary, the design forum established a range of outcomes. The design of an individual teaching and learning space needs to be:
-flexible; to accommodate both current and evolving pedagogies
– future-proofed; to enable space to be re-allocated and reconfigured
– student centered & inclusive; to develop the potential of all learners
– creative; to energise and inspire learners and tutors
– enterprising; to make each space capable of supporting different purposes
This project is about innovation and the emergence of innovative and indeed excellent Teaching & Learning Spaces at City University London.
If you are keen on being involved in teaching in these rooms or have students in your programme that may need spaces to conduct project/teamwork then please contact us.
Please do get involved at the earliest opportunity! Contact the LDC for more information.
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