Upcoming Events

DYM Club presents: The Only Freedom I Can See 



Next session: 

Tuesday 28th February 


Following on from City’s Abolition for Liberation event last month, we will be exploring how we can use the radical imagination as a tool to dismantle systemic barriers and create alternative possibilities for the future. During this session we will be considering the writings of queer people incarcerated in the US who reflect on the prison system, imagination and political struggle. We will then consider our own imagination through a free writing exercise. To receive the calendar invite sign up here: 

Pre-work: We always ask our attendees to complete pre-work which helps to anchor the session, however the space is designed to be fruitful whether you manage to complete this or not.  The pre-work required is to read  The Only Freedom We Can See: Imprisoned Queer Writing and the Politics of the Unimaginable – Steven Dillon (pp. 169 – 184) – In Captive Genders Edited Collection.

Please note, as a content warning this text contains mention of sexual violence (page 175)  and homophobia. If you have any concerns about the content please email rec@city.ac.uk.

Further optional reading:

If you are able to complete some optional reading, please consider reading this journal entry  on support for students in prisons.