The week that was…


This year’s Green City Week (21st to 25th October 2013) was packed full of activity. As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”…See the pictures below to find out how the week unfolded:

Monday (Greening Education)

Our Champions manning The Point Stall


We said “hello” to our NEW Super Hero Mascot!


Michelle Reader set to work building our waste sculpture…who knew a milk bottle and buttons could be used to make a face?!


We launched the Green Dragons Project


Listened to some great presentations from students, the NUS, our local MP and the University where the importance of Education for Sustainable Development was highlighted…


Hung out with the Green Dragon…


And enjoyed some sustainable food! Yum!!!


And still had time to take photos…These are some of the students with Green Dragons Ideas with the CULSU President, Guilio Folino, VPs James Perkins and Rima Amin and our local MP Emily Thornberry. Watch a video of the event here


Tuesday (Fairtrade and Sustainable Food)

A representative from Traidcraft was on site selling a wide range of tasty and healthy Fairtrade treats and some really lovely jewellery…


Our Tea Party and Fairtrade Bake-off featured discussions over current food policy issues and the work the Capital Growth campaign for green areas in the city…


…the tea party featured special guests Prof Tim Lang, City University London and Seb Mayfield, Capital Growth


Our guests also judged the delicious Fairtrade cakes entered into our Bake-off…


She finally got her head on straight…


Torso sorted! Can you spot the difference??


Wednesday (Green travel)

Our Champions engaged with students in the main corridor over sustainability issues…


While our mascot kept students entertained…say “green”


And let them know all about Green City Week…


And outside, the Met Police and Free Bike Doctor encouraged safe cycling…City loves cycling but you have to be safe too! Students and staff had the chance to see things from the perspective of a lorry driver…


Arms and legs done! We’re nearly there…


Thursday (Energy and Water)

The Dragon and our Super Hero Mascot teamed up…

And got ready to spread the Green City Week word….


But there was always time to pose for photos with fans…


A representative from Thames water spoke to students about saving water…and gave out free shower timers too!!


All done…ready for unveiling on Friday!


In the evening, the focus was on energy with a focus on careers in the energy sector…


And the chance to watch “Ferris Bueller’s Day off” powered through cycling!


Friday (Waste and Recycling)

We unveiled the Waste Sculpture… she was a real hit!


And tested students recycling knowledge through a sorting challenge…

Our friends from the North London Waste Authority gave us tips on reducing food waste as part of their Wise up to Waste campaign…

Green City Week all done and dusted! Can’t wait for the next one 🙂


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