City celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight (23 February – 8 March 2015)


Did you know that London is the world’s largest Fairtrade City? Or that City University London is a certified Fairtrade University? This means that the University has shown a commitment to supporting Fairtrade – in the products we sell on campus and by raising awareness of Fairtrade amongst our students and staff.

By choosing products with the Fairtrade Mark, we are helping to ensure farmers and workers in developing countries are given a better chance to work their way out of poverty, through fairer wages, safer conditions at work, and extra income to invest in bringing about changes and improving life for their whole communities.

Fairtrade Fortnight (23 February– 8 March) is the annual promotional campaign, organised and funded by the Fairtrade Foundation [], to increase awareness of Fairtrade products.

Various stalls, activities and contests will be taking place throughout Fairtrade Fortnight at Northampton Square including:
• Fairtrade stall at University Building – outside Refectory.
• Win a week’s worth of free coffee at Aspretto by guessing the number of coffee beans in the jar at stall.
• Fairtrade chocolate brownies in Costa and Aspretto.
• Fairtrade chocolate and banana milkshakes outside Refectory.
• Chocolate fountain on Tuesday 24th February and Tuesday 3rd March.

And at Cass:
• Fairtrade supplier stalls on Wednesday 25th February and Wednesday 4th March from 11:30-14:00 outside ground floor café.
• Fairtrade bake-off (Friday 27th February) outside ground floor café. Please email if you are interested in submitting an entry for this. Winner will receive a Fairtrade hamper.

Follow all #FairtradeFortnight activities at and on social media @CityUniLondon, @CityEnvironment, @EATC1TY, @CULSU, @culsuGD.


16 Responses

  1. kascoasv

    May 25, 2023 1:31 pm

    يعد عزل الأسطح والمباني ضروريا جدا لمنع دخول الماء إلى المنزل. إذا قارنت أنواع المنازل والمباني مع بعضها البعض ، فإن المباني الخرسانية هي الرائدة في مقاومة الماء ، ولكن يجب الانتباه إلى الشقوق والكسور القابلة للعلاج. فيما يلي خطوات كيفية عزل السقف عن الماء تحضير السطح الخرساني قبل البدء في العزل المائي. ملء الشقوق ومفاصل التمدد بالبولي يوريثين. على نحو سلس سطح الخرسانة. نظف السطح الخرساني تماما. اختر نوع العزل المناسب حسب الكفاءة والتكلفة. تطبيق تسرب المياه وفقا للتعليمات لكل نوع من أنواع العزل. ضع طبقة نهائية تتوافق مع النوع المحدد من العزل المائي.

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  10. lancho

    August 7, 2024 7:00 pm

    Well City University London is a certified Fair Trade University and that is something everyone knows, I admire this university strands nyt very much and would definitely like to have the opportunity to study at this university.

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