City University London wins national public engagement award

Dear All

As we welcome everyone back to the start of a new academic year, we wanted to share this good news that came in over the summer.

SUGAR (Service User and Carer Group Advising on Research)







Researchers from the School of Health Sciences at City University London have won the Health and Wellbeing award in the national Engage Competition for their public engagement work.

Recognised for successfully developing community engagement and collaborative working in mental health nursing research, SUGAR (Service User and Carer Group Advising on Research) – which is facilitated by Professor Alan Simpson from the School of Health Sciences – was the winning project from over 230 entries. The competition is run by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE).

The judges praised the project and the “thoughtful, sophisticated and deeply embedded engagement throughout the research process. The partners took ownership and the university has truly become their resource. Fabulous value and transferable to other disciplines.”

More can be read about this great news on the following links:

ELFT story



 NCPPE Story

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