Community Engagement Seminar Series – Jacqueline Davies’ Case Study

Now available on the blog

Jacqueline Davies, Lecturer in the Nursing Division

School of Health Sciences

Case Study on:

Public Health Walks: A Methodology for Taking Students into their Communities of Practice.


Jaqueline Davies

City University London students are undertaking public health walks in their communities of practice in the first term of nurse training. On their walks in public spaces students observe and reflect on the healthiness of the community.  Please click on the link below for the full report:

Community Engagement and User Involvement in Teaching and Research Seminar series Jacqueline Davies


New Case Studies and Practical Tips for User and Carer Engagement

We have received two new case studies this week one from Language and Communications on Aphasia and one from Mental Health.

Language and Communication Sciences: Example of “Stories with aphasia”

Read about the project  “Stories with aphasia” set up by Drs Madeline Cruice and Lucy Dipper for individuals with aphasia to experience telling their story successfully.  The project is designed to connect Londoners who have aphasia with volunteers who act as story-buddies, assisting each person to produce a digital multimedia story.

Mental Health: Incorporation of service user experience into a module on experiencing acute care in mental health

This case study includes some very positive feedback from students demonstrating the influence of service user experience in the classroom:

‘I personally loved it. I was fascinated by her story and what she has been through and could have listened to her for hours. It was interesting to hear from her perspective how she felt about the stigma and also about how the medication worked for her. I’d love to know even more about her experience and I think she is very brave!’

Practical Tips for User and Carer Engagement

If you need support with regards to user and carer activities remember to look at the resources listed under Guidelines, including helpful tips such as paying service users and carers and practical considerations when involving users and carers.

If you wish to speak to someone about user and carer activity please do contact your division’s Community Engagement representative listed on the key contacts page.

New Case Studies and Community Engagement Lunchtime Seminar

This week we have uploaded three new case studies; please click on the links below to read about the recent experiences of staff inviting user and carer participants into the classroom:

Language and Communication Sciences: Using adults who have learning disabilities to teach speech and language therapy students


Language and Communication Sciences: Exploring the Needs of Young People and Teenagers


Mental Health: Simulated Practice: Working in partnership with carers


Also don’t forget the next lunchtime ‘Community Engagement’ seminar is taking place on Monday 7th April:

‘Building a Research Community:

The Benefits of Working Collaboratively with People with Aphasia’

Abi Roper, Judith Kistner and Sarah Northcott

School of Health Sciences

Monday 7th April 2014 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm

A225, College Building, City University London, EC1V 0HB

[All Welcome]

For further information contact:


