REMINDER: Apply now for Service User Involvement Awards

Dear Colleagues

Proposal to support Innovative Approaches to Service User Involvement in Healthcare Education and Research

The School of Health Sciences Community Engagement (User Involvement) Strategy Committee agreed to explore new ways of encouraging, supporting and rewarding staff to develop innovative ways of involving service users in educational and research activities. The University’s Department for Learning Enhancement and Development (LeAD) has kindly agreed to sponsor a new initiative within the School of Health Sciences with these aims in mind.

SHS staff are invited to apply for one of FIVE awards of £2,000 each that will be used to support service user involvement in a new educational or research project. Research projects must have an educational component.

Successful applicants will be announced before the end of July 2014. Ideally, projects will be delivered in the autumn term 2014. Winners will be expected to give a presentation on their work supported by the funds at one or more of the following events:

  • SHS Community Engagement lunchtime seminar 2014-15
  • SHS Health has Got Talent 2015
  • Learning at City Conference 2015

Please click on the application form: SUI Projects Competition v2 30 05 14 for further details.  To note the closing date for applications is: 5pm 26th June.

With kind regards

Alan Simpson

An Experience of Breast Cancer

Anise Bullimore recently underwent treatment for breast cancer. Over the past year Anise has been sharing her experiences online but also running sessions with our nursing and radiotherapy students (please see video presentations below).

Anise said of her experiences of working with the School of Health Sciences:

‘It’s been a really positive experience. I’ve been able to make sense of the treatment and cancer and aftermath by creating presentations which has been really valuable. I’ve met some wonderful students and SHS staff and feel that I’ve been able to make a difference to how some people view cancer or understand patients. I’ve also had the chance to be involved a little in your courses and learning spaces which has helped me to understand teaching at City more. On top of that, during an extraordinarily stressful working year I’ve been able to do something that I’ve felt I was good at which helped me to feel confident, develop my skills and do something good at work.’

On behalf of the School of Health ‘User and Carer Engagement’ community we would like to thank Anise for sharing her experiences with our staff and students and presenting them with the invaluable insight of a patient’s journey down the road of cancer treatment. The impact Anise’s sessions have had can clearly be seen through the student responses to her rehabilitation talk:

During the course of Anise’s treatment she gathered a number of artifacts – writing, videos and pictures. Anise has kindly agreed we can share this material with you as they may be of use to your students in the future.

Googledrive artifacts available via this link : •

  • My Year on the Sofa – photobook of Anise’s treatment including photos, art therapy images and scans (powerpoint)
  • Wordle of qualities that make a good cancer nurse by nursing students (jpg)
  • Nursing session talk (powerpoint)
  • Rehabilitation session talk (powerpoint)
  • Art therapy experience writing (Word)
  • Radiotherapy experience writing (Word)
  • After cancer experience writing •(Word)
  • Family and friends experience writing (Word)
  • Harvey Survivorship article – excellent article about psychological experience after cancer treatment • Impact on friends and family writing (Word)

Videos available online:

  • My Body of Work, TedX talk (13 mins):

  • An Experience of Breast Cancer Treatment, nursing session talk video (52 mins):