The DOTDeaf course ‘Introduction to Language Therapy in BSL’ is now available at
Module 1 (Introduction) and module 2 (Typical language development) can be viewed from today, the next four modules will be available over the coming fortnight.
The course aims to support Speech and Language Therapists and Deaf Language Specialists to learn and work together supporting children who struggle with BSL.
The course is free to access, just register for a guest account if you are not a member of RCSLT.
Thanks to everyone who has enabled us to share this learning resource. Please share the link with others who are interested in this topic.
A Spanish/LSE version is also available at
This course is sooooooo good. And it’s free. Brilliant.
Great to see it hosted by the RCSLT.
Hilary Dumbrill
speech and language therapist
Hamilton Lodge School and College