URGENT CALL for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic participants of colour for MSc research project on ‘BAME’ progression experiences

City staff and colleague, Waheeda Dhansey, is undertaking a dissertation related research project as part of her MSc in Higher Education: Administration, Management and Leadership and seeking participation and responses by or before 18th August 2021.


The subject of the research is on how organisational culture enables progression of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic professional services staff to senior leadership and management positions in higher education.


The purpose of the study is to identify key factors contributing to underrepresentation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic professional services staff in senior leadership and management positions.  It would be valuable to get insight into this very important area so we can make some meaningful changes.


If you, as a staff of colour, would be interested in participating and finding out more about this, please refer to the Participant Information Guidance.


Rest assured, all responses will be completely confidential and anonymised. This work is supported by both the Network for Racial Justice (NRJ), city’s staff affinity network and the Race Equality Charter (REC) and Race Equality (RE) EDI team.


Outputs of this project will be considered in a newly approved NRJ-led, RE EDI and REC supported lived experience study of staff of colour lived experiences. Therefore, your contribution will lead to serious long-term change and impactful research output creation that informs and drives race and equity work at City.


If you would like to participate in this study, please follow the instructions below:



Participant Consent Form

This Participation Consent Form seeks your consent in order to participate in this research project.  Please add your name, signature and date to the form to indicate your consent and return it to Waheeda. Rest assured that all data used in the research report will be anonymised to protect your and organisational confidentiality, and to avoid any conflicts of interest.



Participant Interview Questionnaire

Please complete the participant interview questionnaire, which is accessible via this link: https://cityunilondon.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6zDfrj6cPMxRBu6


The answers to the questions will be a combination of multiple-choice questions and boxes for free text questions (which will expand as you type in them).  You can choose to miss out any questions you do not want to answer, but please be assured that any answers given will be treated as confidential and the report is anonymised.  No direct quotes will be used unless express participant permission is given.


Please return the form and questionnaire by 18 August 2021 at the latest. On completion of the survey, Waheeda will then focus on analysis of the results, writing her findings and drafting her dissertation, which is due mid-September.


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