Month: October 2011

A fresh take on the classroom clickers (aka ‘PRS’)

Just yesterday I attended and presented at the first European Turning Technologies User Conference at the University of Surrey. Turning Technologies are the US-based manufacturers of the classroom clickers / PRS that we use here at City. The keynote for the day was none other than Harvard Professor Eric Mazur, developer of the ‘Peer Instruction’…Continue Reading A fresh take on the classroom clickers (aka ‘PRS’)

Get Ready to SCOF!

The SCOFS (Standardised, Customisable Online Feedback System) project was a Learning Development Project to develop a tool that would address the needs to give increasing amounts of feedback to students in shorter and shorter timescales. The SCOF tool is based around the creation of feedback schemes (the ‘Standardised’ part of the name) which can later…Continue Reading Get Ready to SCOF!

Digital Literacies JISC Workshop. Bristol 6th October 2011.

JISC Design Studio This was one of a series of JISC workshops rolled out across the UK this year ‘to support the development and implementation of institutional approaches to digital literacies across the entire workforce and including students’. It was expertly facilitated by Helen Beetham, Greg Benfield and Paul Bailey, who introduced us to a…Continue Reading Digital Literacies JISC Workshop. Bristol 6th October 2011.