3C | Lecturing to Very Large Groups

Martin George 

As a lecturer, one approach is to talk to students for 50 minutes, employing a wealth of technological weaponry to ensure their attention remains focussed on you and your subject, e.g. PowerPoints, handouts, Panopto, padlets, etc. But there is another way: a tutorial, with 500 students. This isn’t flipped learning: this is altering the very fabric of the teaching event. It means students become questioners, rather than listeners, and they take control of the way their minds are shaped by the content. My intention with this workshop is to show rather than tell, and lead everyone through a tutorial in order to explore different ways of communicating with a large audience. There will be no technology used, except for one sheet of paper, and a frisbee.

45 minutes will be the tutorial itself, with 15 minutes to discuss how it worked, and how colleagues might be able to employ some parts of this way of teaching and learning into their own classes.



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