Session 2D | Revolution in learning through digitization: How technology is changing the landscape of education

Naeem Allah Rakha and Said Gulyamov

The integration of technology in education has significantly impacted the learning process, shifting from traditional classroom learning to digitalized learning platforms. This article aims to examine the extent of the revolution in learning through digitization and how technology is changing the education landscape. This article investigates the impact of technology on education and its effect on learners and teachers. The study utilized a qualitative research method and analysed various sources, including peer-reviewed articles, journals, and reports, to obtain relevant data. The findings suggest that technology has revolutionized the education landscape, making it more accessible to students globally and facilitating personalized learning experiences. Technology has also enhanced collaboration among students, leading to a more dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Additionally, technology has streamlined the assessment process, with online testing and grading systems providing more efficient assessment methods. However, the challenges of technology integration in education, such as technological literacy and resource allocation, need to be addressed to ensure equitable access to quality education. The study concludes that technology has brought significant benefits to the education system, and as technology continues to advance, we can expect even more changes in the education landscape, leading to a more accessible, personalized, collaborative, and efficient learning experience for all.

The session will be structured as a 45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. Attendees will gain an understanding of the impact of technology on education and its effect on learners and teachers, as well as the challenges of technology integration in education. The session will include a discussion on the following questions:

1. How has technology changed the traditional methods of teaching and learning in education?

2. What are the benefits and challenges of technology integration in education?

3. How can technology enable personalized, collaborative, and efficient learning experiences for students?

4. What role do teachers play in the new education landscape enabled by technology?

5. What steps can be taken to address the challenges of technological literacy and resource allocation in education?

The discussion element of the session will focus on the attendees’ experiences with technology in education and their thoughts on how technology can be effectively integrated into the education system to improve learning outcomes.

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Paper 1
Revolution in learning through digitization: How technology is changing the landscape of education


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