Ethan Henry & Dr Evana Downes
This paper will explore how course and/or module-level curriculum analytics – the use of learning data to “analyse the places students are visiting online, how much time they spend there, what tools they are using and how frequently they are using them” could be best implemented and utilised at City, University of London to help inform learning design. This will help to support an evidence-based approach to changes made to resources, learning activities, and other aspects of the curriculum (Sclater, 2017: 61).
The paper will begin by situating curriculum analytics as a concept, outlining its opportunities and limitations. It will discuss how UK higher education institutions have tended to approach curriculum analytics and what technology they have typically used to do so. Next, the paper will explore how curriculum analytics could be best utilised at City. To do this, it will introduce and evaluate the curriculum analytics capabilities of City’s current Data Explorer learning analytics system. It will then outline the findings and recommendations of teaching staff consultations led by City’s Learning Analytics Project (LeAP) team. These findings will include highlighting the analytics and visualisations considered most helpful by staff from all of City’s Schools for learning design purposes. Finally, the paper will discuss future directions planned by Jisc, provider of City’s Data Explorer learning analytics system, and whether these plans are likely to fit in with City’s requirements and future plans.
Sclater, N. 2017. Learning Analytics Explained. Routledge, Abingdon.
*More to be added in the introduction and discussion