Day: December 13, 2013

Untold Lives: Alex contributes to a British Library blog

We get around, us City types!  When we’re not blogging here about our staff development, we’re developing ourselves by blogging elsewhere. Alex Giles has been contributing to the British Library’s Untold Lives blog– he recently used Privy Council cases to tell a snippet from the life of Tan Ah Loy, a resident of Penang in…Continue Reading Untold Lives: Alex contributes to a British Library blog

Canada Water Library Visit by Alex Giles

©quisnovus (all other photos Alex Giles) I’m no expert on the threatened demise of the public library in this time of austerity, but I experienced more than a ray of hope on my visit last week to the recently opened Canada Water Library. Its iconic inverted pyramid design by Piers Gough of CZWG is not…Continue Reading Canada Water Library Visit by Alex Giles