Category: Research Support

5 ideas for researcher support I picked up at LILAC

In April, Tom and I headed up to Nottingham for LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference. The venue for the conference was the University of Nottingham (see right for a photo of the Keighton Auditorium where the keynote speeches took place). One of the my main aims for the conference was to pick up ideas for…Continue Reading 5 ideas for researcher support I picked up at LILAC

History Day 2017

On Tuesday I was lucky to be invited to History Day 2017. This annual event brings together the cream of academics, archivists and librarians specialising in history. Although aimed at a specialist audience, it was a friendly day and all the stall holders and guests were keen to promote their resources as widely as possible….Continue Reading History Day 2017

Digital History

I recently attended a seminar at Senate House which looked at the history of how computing impacted on the study of history. This seminar was led by Dr Adam Crymble of the University of Hertfordshire. It was part of the Institute of Historical Research’s Digital History seminar series.   Syllabi  The four main sets of evidence which Dr Crymble analysed were online discussion groups, blogs and social media, and syllabi. The online discussion groups, in some cases go back several years and…Continue Reading Digital History

Visit to the Law Society Library

Last month I went on a tour of the Law Society Library.  After having visited three of the four Inns of Court Libraries over the last few years, I was interested to learn more about the library collections held by the Law Society.  It is also of practical relevance to some of our students: whilst…Continue Reading Visit to the Law Society Library

British Library pre 1600 day

Last November Simon Bralee charmed our readers with his review of History Day 2015. Like many librarians, it is his wont to wear many hats. In his review of that day he intrigued many with his depiction of how an information professional at the top of his game balances so many hats on his head….Continue Reading British Library pre 1600 day

History Day 2015 at Senate House

On Friday 27th November Simon Bralee attended History Day 2015. Wearing several hats, he sought to find out more about archives and how different institutions best promoted themselves to a credulous and weary student body. What he discovered thrilled and inspired him. Archives and Collections in London History Day is an annual fair organised by…Continue Reading History Day 2015 at Senate House

Researcher Events at Aston & Cardiff Universities

I was very pleased to  attend 2 researcher events at the end of November, one a USLTG meeting  in Aston University and one a Teachmeet in Cardiff.  Apologies for the delay in writing up, this is due to being stricken with food poisoning and a throat infection, trying to decipher the auto correct function on my…Continue Reading Researcher Events at Aston & Cardiff Universities

Visit to University of Warwick Library: Researcher Support – Diane

Visit to University of Warwick Library: Researcher Support  – Diane Like Frodo, I packed my rucksack and took water and lembas bread for my trip to University of Warwick Library at Gibbet Hill.  Before my voyage, I did my research and discovered I was headed to Coventry rather than Warwick. I was brave and fearless…Continue Reading Visit to University of Warwick Library: Researcher Support – Diane