Month: January 2014

Alumni Library Forum, Cass Business School, December 2013

Our Eresources Manager at Cass, Suzanne Griffiths, was a co-organiser of this event, aimed at helping librarians to support alumni at their institutions.  This user group has become more and more prominent over the last few years, so this is a timely event that she and Rachel Daniels from Cranfield University wish to run again…Continue Reading Alumni Library Forum, Cass Business School, December 2013

London LibTeachMeet 2013

Happy New Year!  And welcome back to Developing@City on this horrible grey and rainy Monday morning. Back in the wilds of November, which seems a million years or so ago now, I attended the 2013 London LibTeachMeet at Imperial College.  A LibTeachMeet is a low-cost way of sharing teaching experiences, good practices, bits of research…Continue Reading London LibTeachMeet 2013