SDWG Snacks October 2022

This is our regular roundup of “snacks” that you can take a bite of when you need some inspiration, either for your well-being, development or to improve your digital skills.  Please let us know if you have something you want to share, either well-being, work or home-related.


Be Kind to your Mind

The NHS Every Mind Matters website has mental wellbeing tips, including a very quick Mind Plan quiz to give you personalised support.

It also offers advice on supporting others.


Personal and Professional Development

Active Bystander Training:  Challenging Unacceptable Behaviours


Friday 4th November 12-1pm online

Friday 11th November 11am-12pm online


An interactive session which will focus on techniques to overcome the fear of intervening, tackling ‘micro-inequities’ and using persuasive words, phrases, facial expressions and body language to maximise assertiveness in challenging situations.


Appraisal Training


For those approaching their first appraisal or needing a refresher, look at Making Appraisals Meaningful on LinkedIn Learning.  There is also a useful Appraisal System overview and Q&A session available to book on Develop@City.


Digital Skills

City IT Services

Need help with IT issues? The IT Services web page has lots of useful information, including an induction video and the IT Services leaflet.


Nano Tips for Microsoft Office

This LinkedIn Learning course gives handy tips and tricks for Word, Excel, Outlook and more in just 15 minutes!


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