Blog Post Amnesty Drop-in

I recently attended the above training session and we discussed posting a blog for an event that was already featured.  It was decided that another viewpoint would be of interest but as Sam had written such a well-balanced and comprehensive report (read it here), I did not feel another was necessary (especially one of my newbies!) but we did discuss that posting a comment might be appropriate, which is what I did.

Verena and Hilary helped us to log in and start a post, which demystified it for me and got me on the right track.

It was held in one of the new rooms in Drysdale Building which are lovely and light and the PCs are super quick and easy to use (please can I have one?).

One thought on “Blog Post Amnesty Drop-in

  1. I do quite like those rooms – we were impressed with how light they felt given that it was a basement. We also decided it would be a good place to fend off an apocalyptic event, provided we could store enough food down there!

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