This is our regular roundup of “snacks” that you can take a bite of when you need some inspiration, either for your well-being, development or to improve your digital skills. Please let us know if you have something you want to share, either well-being, work or home-related.
A tour of the mill
The Media & Innovation Learning Lab (The MILL) is a suite of facilities and equipment available to staff for multimedia creation, run by LEaD (Learning Enhancement and Development).
There are opportunities over the coming weeks to join a tour the MILL – to find out more about the DIY production studio and production booths used to create eduational videos.
There are in-person tours available on 6th and 8th December, 17th and 19th January and an online tour will be running on Wednesday 18th January.
Personal and Professional Development – Trans awareness
City’s Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion have arranged a series of courses during 2022-23 to raise knowledge, awareness and understanding on equality, diversity and inclusion. These include a highly interactive session giving opportunity for discussion and questions around the key topics of trans inclusion, The next session will be on Monday 20th February – bookings will be open through the staff hub
Finally, here’s another LinkedIn Learning recommendation focussing on wellbeing in the workplace.