After the summer break, we have a refreshing roundup of “snacks” that you can take a bite of when you need some inspiration, either for your well-being, development or to improve your digital skills. Please let us know if you have something you want to share, either well-being, work or home-related.
- Copyright Escape Room: This is an online game designed by the person responsible for copyright at Coventry University. It says it takes around 40-45 minutes to play, which is a tad optimistic but it is fun and may appeal to the gamers out there! It is currently in beta, so if you have any feedback, please email Stephen Penton.
- Our successful Summer programme is drawing to an end but spaces are still available on the OD Wellness Action Plan (see below).
- OpenAI’s ChatGPT unleashed an artificial intelligence (AI) movement when it rolled out a year ago. If you haven’t done so already, you can sign up to a chat gpt account and have a play.
- Isobel recently attended the webinar “Creating a Better World! How Librarians are Tackling SDGs”. Isobel’s notes are available to view on OneDrive and she also recommends looking at University College Cork’s Sustainability LibGuides.
- OD on Wellness Action Plan This is the last session organised as part of the Summer programme. Emily will outline how a Wellness Action Plan can be part of your toolkit to manage your wellbeing, helping you, your colleagues and your work-life balance. You can book here.