May 23rd is Learning at Work Day!
Why not take a minute to reflect on what you currently want to learn about here at City, and how you might do this? If you manage others you could also consider how you’re helping them with their learning objectives and encouraging a culture of learning and developing.
Check out what City’s Learning Zone has to say on Learning at Work.
There are also some interesting resources at the Campaign for Learning website.
And of course there are a lot of ideas to get you started in our Moodle module Developing @ City, particularly in the Development Opportunties at City ‘book’.
If you have any ideas for how the Staff Development Group can help with your own learning and development or the wider learning and development culture – let us know! You can contact any of us (Paul, Clare, Sam, Suzi, Rowena, Verena and Chris) or leave a suggestion in the Make a Suggestion section at the top of the Moodle module.
Happy Learning!