Visit to University of Warwick Library: Researcher Support – Diane

Visit to University of Warwick Library: Researcher Support  – Diane

Like Frodo, I packed my rucksack and took water and lembas bread for my trip to University of Warwick Library at Gibbet Hill.  Before my voyage, I did my research and discovered I was headed to Coventry rather than Warwick. I was brave and fearless and even managed to use the local bus service to the campus and back.

Like many other Universities, Warwick University Library was restructured into 3 divisions (Client Services, Academic  Services and Digital Services)  in 2009.  Client Services  supports general enquiries, roaming and customer service;  Academic Services  supports teaching & learning, learning spaces,  subjects and research and Digital includes Archives, e-access and cataloguing and the Institutional repository (WRAP).  WRAP is 5 years old, large and has 53,000 items, 8,200 of which are full text.   The entries in WRAP are quality control checked by Library staff to make them as accurate as possible.  A good thing about Academic Services is that they have research & development staff with technical skills who design amazing module templates for  Academic Services  staff to use, this is easier than trying to make Moodle look good yourself. .

The Library webpages have recently been redesigned

The  Library research staff pages cover 3 main  areas:  Disseminate (open access), Collaborate (Research Exchange, Research Match etc) , Consult (getting published)

Warwick has learning spaces called grids eg the Teaching grid  which is a collaborative space for academics and researchers who teach and Learning Grids  which are flexible group study spaces on different sites with advisers.  The Library manages these spaces and Library staff sometimes work in them.

Sussex Teaching Grid  Sussex Learning Grid

The  Research Exchange is a research  community and network  for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers.

The Postgraduate Hub is a new work and study facility for all postgraduate taught and research students. is a new work and study facility for all postgraduate taught and research students.

Research Match  (Currently being relaunched) enables researchers to find University of Warwick researchers with similar research interests, and start new interdisciplinary collaborations.

These booths are apparently the students’ favourite furniture.

Sussex Pod furniture

Library Researcher Development takes place within the context of the wider University and the Library is willing to collaborate with other departments such as Careers & Skills and the Graduate School to have a presence in their skills programmes.

Some of my experiences (in no particular order) were:  Different spaces with branding in different places both online and physical  seem to be successful at Warwick.  The strong branding and identities seem to enable the formation of  communities.   The Library spaces outreach into areas such as the Leamington campus, some spaces are multi-purpose, Library  space during term time, conference and exhibition  space in the summer. The University benefits from having an Arts’ Centre where events can be held.   It’s great to meet colleagues in other Universities and see what other institutions are doing and I’ve found colleagues to be really friendly and helpful. Other things of note: there is a shop in Coventry that sells roasted pig’s ears and I have now been on a pendolino train.

Diane Bell

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